On-Demand Learning
The Telligen QI Connect™ Learning Management System (LMS) offers convenient on-demand quality improvement trainings to enhance your learning at a time that works best for you.

Access learnings on your own time.

Learn about a variety of topics relating to healthcare quality improvement.

Test your knowledge and receive certificates and/or continuing education credits.

Gain the knowledge and skills to help meet your quality improvement goals.
Access the Telligen QI Connect™ Learning Management System

Current Portal Users
- Log in to your existing Portal account here.
- Navigate to the left side of the homepage and click on the menu.
- Click on My Learning and select a module to begin.
Non-Portal Users
- Register for LMS access here.
- You will be emailed a username and password after you register.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Learning Management System (LMS)?
The Learning Management System is a section of the Telligen QI Connect™ Secure Portal that offers online on-demand learning opportunities. The modules offer an opportunity to learn about innovative practices and content relating to healthcare quality improvement. These learning opportunities are available to learners 24/7 through a web browser.
How do I access the LMS?
Current Portal Users:
- Log in to your existing Portal account here.
- Navigate to the left side of the homepage and click on the menu.
- Click on My Learning and select a module to begin.
Non-Portal Users:
- Register for LMS access here.
- You will be emailed a username and password after you register.
What trainings are available in the LMS?
The LMS is continuously growing with new modules being added often. From health equity to infection prevention and control, there is something for everyone to learn in the LMS!
Health Equity in Action: Addressing Ableism, Ageism, Social Isolation and Health Literacy (CE credits available)
- Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship and age that have a major impact on our health, well-being and quality of life – and SDOH significantly affect our chances of staying healthy as we age. In this three-part learning series, we explore the topics of ageism and ableism, social isolation and health literacy, as well as the impact each of these has on health outcomes. Learn strategies and interventions that, as a healthcare provider or caregiver, you can use to disrupt ageism and ableism, improve health literacy and combat loneliness in the patients and residents you serve.
- CE credit provided by AKH Inc., Advancing Knowledge in Healthcare
MOST Training for Colorado Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing/Long-Term Care Communities
- This on-demand learning goes over the Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment (MOST) form, a one-page, double-sided document that consolidates and translates patient preferences for key life-sustaining treatments (CPR, medical interventions and artificially-administered nutrition) into medical orders.
Nursing Home Immunization Escape Room (CE credits available)
- The Immunization Escape Room is tailored to enhance strategies and optimize the performance of nursing home teams in achieving higher vaccination uptake. Engaging in challenges guides learners in accessing data, understanding regulations, process mapping, fostering a culture of immunization and formulating quality improvement action plans.
- CE credit provided by AKH Inc., Advancing Knowledge in Healthcare
Plan-Do-Study-Act Training
- Are you tired of making changes that don’t improve outcomes? If you’re seeking a different result or want to increase satisfaction, improve your process! This training will enhance this skill and orient those new to the PDSA four-step process (planning, doing, studying and acting). PDSA has a proven track record for improving organizational processes and is a useful skill for creating an effective team. The PDSA cycle is structured to help you make informed decisions and implement sustainable changes.
Prevention Series: Fall Management
- State survey agencies routinely conduct health inspections in nursing homes to assess compliance with federal conditions and standards, as well as to evaluate the quality of care provided. Falls and accidents have been identified as among the most frequently cited deficiencies in nursing homes. This training session will concentrate on developing an effective prevention program and responding to falls through the use of data analysis and Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement (QAPI) methodologies. Ensuring quality care and reducing risk of deficiencies are best achieved through robust preventative programs.
Quality Improvement for Erroneous Schizophrenia Coding
- A review of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Memorandum Summary for Erroneous Schizophrenia Coding that includes connecting Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) practices with schizophrenia coding. Additional objectives include applying best PASRR practices, implementing practices to reduce inappropriate antipsychotic medication use, and utilizing Trauma Informed Care (TIC) and non-pharmacological interventions. The module incorporates Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement (QAPI) to improve care and help avoid deficiencies.
Root Cause Analysis Training (3 parts)
- Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is an integral part of the quality improvement process that enables healthcare workers to define, understand and solve problems. Quality improvement involves systematic analysis and systematic action to analyze underlying causes of care deficiencies. RCA includes identifying the contributing factors and studying the issue to understand how and why it occurred. RCA is the first step in understanding the reasons behind a problem, near miss or repeating incident before you build a plan to fix the problem. RCA training is for nursing homes that have been directed by the state survey agency and providers from any care setting whose staff need to learn or enhance their RCA skills.
What if I have questions about the LMS?
Please email QIConnectPortal@telligen.com for help. LMS support is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST, excluding holidays. Please allow 24-48 hours for a response.