Long-Term Care
NHSN Resources
Telligen tools for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN)
*NHSN reporting requirements are subject to change. For the most current information, check the CDC pages below or contact Telligen.
Conferring Rights to Telligen
Use this step-by-step document to learn how to confer rights to NHSN data to Telligen. Telligen does not want to see any resident-level or staff identifiers (i.e. names, DOB, etc). Should you have any questions or concerns about conferring rights, please contact nursinghome@telligen.com.
How to Change Your Email Address in SAMS and NHSN
This document provides instructions and screenshots that demonstrate how you can change your email address in SAMS (Secure Access Management Services) and NHSN (National Healthcare Safety Network). This is a two-step process and should be done in order.
NHSN Reporting Roles Worksheet
To ensure continuity of NHSN (National Healthcare Safety Network) reporting, we encourage facilities to document current roles, processes and a backup plan for transitions. Access the Reporting Roles Worksheet.
For tips on NHSN reporting, use the NHSN Reporting Continuity Tip Sheet.
Changing the NHSN Administrator Role
Learn how to change the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Facility Administrator Role with this guide.
NHSN SAMS Access Security Upgrade
Use this document to guide you through the process of upgrading your SAMS Level 1 access to Level 3 access. Please be sure you have at least one other user with access to your facility’s NHSN reporting before you start this process.
Long-Term Care NHSN – How to Add a New User
Having more than one National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) user for your facility is a best practice. Watch this recording of how to add a new user to your NHSN facility.
NHSN Influenza Vaccination Reporting
This step-by-step guide outlines how to add the influenza reporting component to NHSN.
2024-2025 NHSN HCP Flu Vaccination Tracker
Use this tracking form to track your healthcare personnel/staff influenza (flu) vaccinations for the 2024-2025 flu season. This data is to be submitted in the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) no later than May 15, 2025.
*Note: This tracking form is only a tool to help gather information and Telligen is not responsible for any accidental changes to formatting, incorrect data entry or completeness of data.
Additional Resources
Visit the links below for training and resources from the CDC. Use the Table of Instructions as a guide for each and every field of entry. They also provide further definitions and examples.
Visit the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) public data site which includes information collected through NHSN. Some of this data is also posted on Care Compare. Filter this data and manage columns to see specific data for your facility. This is a great way to validate accuracy of the public-facing data.
Contact nursinghome@telligen.com.
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