Project ECHO® – Chronic Kidney Disease Series

by Telligen QI Connect™ | Sep 7, 2023

A Primary Care Provider’s Guide to the Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease: Steps Providers and Patients Can Take to Slow Progression

In partnership with the National Kidney Foundation, A Primary Care Provider’s Guide to the Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease: Steps Providers and Patients Can Take to Slow Progression series offered 60-minute case-based learning opportunities with a goal of increasing clinicians’ confidence levels in early testing, diagnosis, management and patient support.

The ECHO® Model is an “all teach, all learn” approach to disseminate and implement best practices across diverse disciplines.

Access event recordings here.

Session topics:

  • Disparities and Rate of Diabetes in CKD
  • Screening and Diagnosing CKD – Practice Assessment and Identification of Gaps 
  • All About Potassium
  • When and How: Referral to Nephrology and How to Co-manage Patients 
  • Hypertension Management in Patients with CKD/Cardiovascular Health and CKD
  • Hypertension Management in Patients With CKD
  • Diabetes Management in Patients with CKD
  • Cardiovascular Health and CKD
  • SGLT2 Inhibitors and GLP-1 Agonists in CKD/Novel Therapies Session 1
  • SGLT2 Inhibitors and GLP-1 Agonists in CKD/Novel Therapies Session 2
  • ACE-I and ARB, and Hyperkalemia Management – The Importance of ACE-I, ARB Therapy How to Manage Hyperkalemia
  • Screening and Diagnosing CKD – Practice Assessment and Identification of Gaps/Nephrology Referral and Risks Stratification
  • Diabetes Management in Patients With CKD
  • SGLT2 Inhibitors and MRA in CKD 
  • RRT Modality Education
  • Lifestyle Management of CKD and ESRD
  • Expanded Primary Care Teams
  • Managing Complications of CKD
  • Nutrition/Lifestyle Management of CKD
  • Preparing for Renal Replacement Therapy